Cup and saucer, Erddig

On Boxing Day we were in North Wales and we went for a walk in the park at Erddig.

Here you can find an oversize and unusual ‘cup and saucer’


It’s a functional water feature designed by William Eames in 1775. The water in the brook drops down a central circular weir down a tunnel to power a way of pumping the water back to the house.

Neat huh.


Who’s watching your feet?

One of the things about all these mobile devices we cart around these days is that we can take pictures whenever we want.

Wherever we want.

Of whatever we want.

And mostly people are oblivious of what we are taking pictures of (unless we asked them to smile and say CHEESE).

They either aren’t interested or we could be texting or tweeting or playing on an app.

Or we could be taking pictures.


Of anything.

And no one knew.

Its all slightly disconcerting.

In the garden

The garden is a curious mix of wintery-ness and one tree thats still has almost all its leaves and all are still green, its not an evergreen its a cherry plum tree and i’m not sure why its taking so long to shed its leaves this year I don’t recall it being so slow other years.

Anyway here’s some pictures of leaves, snow and icicles….all taken within the space of 10 minutes this morning


Huge icicle on neighbours guttering, its melting fast though.


Logs, snow and leaves.


Cherry plum tree still in leaf.


Melting snow.