I’m blaming that @farctum
She has this off beat twitter/blog party cum quiz at Christmas which she terms #12dcp
Its about the 12 days of Christmas. There’s playlists on spotify, interesting tales, tough questions and requests to share stories.
Its all good fun. Mostly.
Anyway this year on Day 5 she posted about the 2012 Olympics and sport in the UK and challenged us thus:
So my challenge to you today is to make an Olympic pledge, if you live in Suffolk you can learn more here. Not sure if there are similar pledge sites in other counties/countries. But even if it is to walk a mile a day can you commit to something in the lead up to 2012?
You can read the whole post here.
I responded like this:
Well with the Olympic site only a couple of miles from me (although we aren’t a borough that is hosting any events) I think definitely need to pledge to do something Olympian…. I shall return later with details of the pledge…so right now I’m erm pledging to pledge :S
And then:
After much thought my pledge is to do 2012 miles by the Olympics either walking, cycling or swimming in any mix that takes my fancy so long as I do 2012 miles. If I do it on foot that just under 4 miles a day. compared to now thats challenging but not impossible. Wish me luck 
So here I am on the brink of something foolish/epic/Olympian/painful …who knows
Here is some footwear I hope is going to help me on my way….
Wish me luck….