Sweet peas

I tried to take a picture of some dark purple sweet peas I bought earlier in the purple glass vase I’d put them in. But none of the pictures worked out that well because I was hurrying.

So I did a little bit of playing in iPhoto with the colours to see what I could make of it.


You can’t make a rubbish photo great with editing software but you can make it look a bit more interesting and fun.

Who’s watching your feet?

One of the things about all these mobile devices we cart around these days is that we can take pictures whenever we want.

Wherever we want.

Of whatever we want.

And mostly people are oblivious of what we are taking pictures of (unless we asked them to smile and say CHEESE).

They either aren’t interested or we could be texting or tweeting or playing on an app.

Or we could be taking pictures.


Of anything.

And no one knew.

Its all slightly disconcerting.