Last weekend I was casting around for what to do with some lamb breast and neck I had defrosted and the weather seemed to good for hearty stews. I asked the hive mind that is twitter and carried on flipping though cook books for inspiration. At roughly the same time as I was eyeing up a porchetta recipes Chris from La Hogue Farm shop suggested a herby stuffing and wrapping the breast round the neck.
And so I set out to make lamb-chetta.
I didn’t want too dense a stuffing so I decided to simply use lots of fresh herbs.

I laid out the meat and added some ground black pepper and the herbs

I rolled it up and tied with string

I’m not expecting any awards for my butchers joint tie-ing skills…
It went into the oven for 4 hours on gas mark 3 (150-160C). I’d loosely covered the tray with foil and part way through cooking I added a few splashes of white wine as well.

We carved it into quite thick slices and I’d say there was enough for four people

We had it simply with some potatoes and cauliflower
It was totally delicious soft super sweet meat from the slow cooking and layers of fat the two cuts contain, the herbs gave is a fresh edge.
We had some left which last night we used in a barley and lamb risotto, again delicious. i also tried a few bits cold and think it would make a great sandwich or simple salad with a slice on top of some lentils.
And as these two cuts are very cheap it was nice and frugal too.