For my first real project I decided to use a nice big block so it would be relatively easy to set up the forme and lock the block in the chase (see look technical terms I didn’t know existed only a few months ago).

I decided to try it across a variety of papers I already had to hand and as I’d only got one ink (Paynes Grey), well I used that.
And goodness did I learn a lot.
Like its not as easy to pad the bed as I thought (and get an even impression). Old blocks are unlikely to give you the sought after impression in the paper. Smooth paper gives a better print (than textured) if the block is detailed like this one. And ink takes an age to dry on modern shiny paper takes. And its really easy to get ink everywhere.
All of which I’m sure an experienced letterpress person could have told me in five minutes, but hey sometimes its fun finding out for yourself.
25 May: PS – just to be clear the block is a vintage one I bought not one I designed, I’m not that advanced yet 
addendum (8/6/11):
ink colour: Paynes Grey
ink make: Stay Open by Hawthorn Printmakers Supplies
paper: Concord index card 6 x 4