Just over two weeks ago we finally decided it was time to get some kittens as companions for Fred cat (and us of course) as Fred cat has been a bit sad since Daisy cat died.
So I looked up the local rescue centre (I also looked on things like GumTree and local papers) but decided I wanted my money to go to someone who was doing good work rehoming cats. I found the nearest rescue centre was The Celia Hammond Animal Trust at Canning Town. After admiring lots of cats and kittens in need of loving homes on their website I sent them an email and they popped round to to see me and find out which cats or kittens might be suitable for us and our house.
There was two litters of kittens by sister cats just ready to go to new homes in pairs so we went and met them at their foster house and picked the two who seemed most friendly with us. They turned out to be one from each litter so they are cousins I suppose.
We collected them last Friday and settled them into their ‘playroom’ (aka the spare room kitten proofed).
Fred cat has met them a couple of times but he’s a bit wary and bemused so far.
They of course are running round in excitement, play fighting, eating lots and sleeping.
The black and white is a boy and the white/tabby/ginger a girl. Its a condition of rehoming them that they both get micro chipped and neutered in a few months. Why? Well the cat population is huge and unneutered tom cats are the largest cause of the spread of FIV (cat HIV) through bites when fighting or mating. And I’m happy with that because Daisy cat was FIV+ from a bite from an unneutered tom cat and in her case its seems it turned into full blown cat AIDS meaning she died at the young age of 8 and was very sick in her last few months (it is actually rare for it to be that bad but it does happen).
NB (added after posting): cats cannot pass FIV to humans so there is no risk to you in homing an FIV cat its also rare for them to pass it to other cats apart from through unneutered toms fighting and mating. It’s the biting that is the main way it gets transferred (male cats hold female cats on the back of the neck when mating and often bite them in the process).
Oh and names. Well it took ages. But….
Meet Eric:
And meet Franci (pronounced with a hard c like a k):
Awwww….it’s a shame they don’t stay just so!
Yes they are super cute when small, hoping they grow up into cool adult cats
Yes they are super cute when small, hoping they grow up into cool adult cats
I will show Frankie all the pics – she will be thrilled! We’re seriously considering another cat (sadly our gorgeous Ziggy was run over in 2008 at 9 months old) and will be looking at rehoming centres in this area. Probably an older female who doesn’t want to roam too much would be more suitable than a kitten. Thanks for sharing your experiences and will follow their exploits with interest!
Oh poor Ziggy, I’m not sure why but Fred and Daisy always steered clear of the road out the front, they sit and watch the cars/buses go by (its not that busy tho its a residential road that the bus happens to go along) but mostly they play out the back. Kittens are lovely to watch grow but there really are so many cats out their to choose from that need good home I’m sure you’ll be able to find a perfect one to adopt
Oh poor Ziggy, I’m not sure why but Fred and Daisy always steered clear of the road out the front, they sit and watch the cars/buses go by (its not that busy tho its a residential road that the bus happens to go along) but mostly they play out the back. Kittens are lovely to watch grow but there really are so many cats out their to choose from that need good home I’m sure you’ll be able to find a perfect one to adopt
really informative and ridiculously cute post!!
Good to hear their story. That last photo of Franci is adorable. I hope they continue to settle in well.
Good heavens, they are absolutely adorable. I had a ginger when I was young. These are CUTE!!
They are even cuter than I thought in the 1st pic you showed me a while ago! The names really suit them too
Sorry to hear about Daisy – we had stray cat who we used to look after and feed and it turned out he had AIDS and had to be put down. I was devastated, esp when we found out he could have passed it to our 3… Ours were tested and were all clear thank goodness :).. Hope they get on well with Fred xx
@nicsnotebook We had Fred tested after Daisy died and he was all clear, phew. So far he is mostly bemused by the kittens and sniffs them then runs off but they are at the mental energy stage
@nicsnotebook We had Fred tested after Daisy died and he was all clear, phew. So far he is mostly bemused by the kittens and sniffs them then runs off but they are at the mental energy stage